Spirit of Opulance
Posted on 1st June 2017 at 03:38
It is quite a mistake to suppose that we must restrict and stint ourselves in order to
develop greater power or usefulness. This is to form the conception of the Divine Power
as so limited that the best use we can make of it is by a policy of self-starvation, whether
material or mental. Of course, if we believe that some form of self-starvation is
necessary to our producing good work, then so long as we entertain this belief the fact
actually is so for us. “Whatsoever is not of faith”- that is, not in accordance with our
honest belief - “is sin”; and by acting contrary to what we really believe we bring in a
suggestion of opposition to the Divine Spirit, which must necessarily paralyze our efforts,
and surround us with a murky atmosphere of distrust and want of joy...
By Thomas Troward
As taken from Your Hidden Power